Most likely if you are seeing this page around the date it was published, you already know me. If you don't, welcome!
I am a music listener who doesn't have the talent to back up music listening commentary, so writing is all I can manage. I'm going to do my best at it and try to keep things brisk, friendly and easy to understand and read, regardless of your musical knowledge. I can't promise I'll manage properly, but that's my goal. Every day I plan to write about a record in my collection. Right now, the plan is to run alphabetically, but that is subject to change (mostly because some artists I own complete or near-complete discographies for).
Please bookmark me, share me and let others know if the idea here interests you, and I hope to see you in the future. I always welcome comments and corrections, please feel free to do either. You can find my e-mail address on the right side of the page, and above you can find some more information about the goals and origins of the idea, and a little more about me.
Thanks for reading!
- First Up: 86 - Provocation